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             Hope 4 Kids 

                           On behalf of Hope 4 Kids, we wanted to thank each and every one of you that has donated and/or volunteered for H4k over the past year.  We served 5 schools and approximately 80 students throughout the school year.  While the past few years have provided us with many obstacles and challenges, we still found a way to give back to the students in our community. Thank you!!!  If you are interested in volunteering for a position or packing in the fall, please email or text 540-742-4024.

About Us

Hope 4 Kids is a food ministry of the Parish Mission Team of Fairview Chapel, Mt Carmel UMC, and New Market UMC, which provides a package of food each weekend of the school year to children at 5 schools in the East Frederick and New Market communities.


New Market Elementary

New Market Middle

Oakdale Elementary

Oakdale Middle 

Deer Crossing Elementary


It costs $100.00 to feed a student for 40 weekends.  If you are called to donate,  send a check to either Mt. Carmel UMC or New Market UMC made out to Hope 4 Kids or put Hope 4 Kids in the memo line.

Mt. Carmel UMC, 9411 Baltimore Road, Frederick, MD 21704

New Market UMC, PO Box 111, New Market, MD 21774

What do the church volunteers provide?

The Hope 4 Kids volunteers manage the donations, plan the menu, do the shopping, pack the packs, and deliver the packs to the schools.


What does the school provide?

The schools select the students who will receive packs, communicate with parents, protect the confidentiality of families receiving this assistance, and distribute packs to the students weekly.

Hope 4 Kids is a Maryland Food Bank Distribution Partner!

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