December 29 Worship Outline
Sunday's During Advent

Advent is a special time within the church when we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ Child at Christmas. Through Sunday morning worship, we hope to enrich your experience of this sacred season and give you opportunities to experience the living God in a new and vital way.
Please join us!
8:15am: Start your day off with a
peaceful calm worship
9:30 am: Traditional Service with Choir
11 am: Contemporary Service with
Praise Team
Advent Events
December 15 ~ 1:30-4pm
Cookies & Crafts with Claus
Kids and their parents are invited to join Santa in the Great Room for crafts, pictures and fun!
December 21 ~ 7pm
Blue Christmas Service
A Blue Christmas Service is offered especially for those hurting during the holidays. It’s often offered December 21, the longest night of the year. We gather in the midst of suffering to remember God is good. God is strong.
God is near.
December 22 ~ 1pm
Join us to spread some Christmas cheer to our friends and neighbors at the
Spring Ridge Apartments
December 26 ~ 4:30-6pm
Candlelight Tour of Frederick
Historic Houses of Worship
Join other members of Mt Carmel for a tour of some of downtown Fredericks's historic houses of worship decorated for the holidays and some with special music.
To find the group, text Pastor Jeff.
We will finish the evening with dinner together.
December 31 ~ 5-7pm
Review and Preview
Using the format of John Wesley’s “Watch Night” service we will take time to sing, pray as well as review the year that has passed and preview the year ahead. Then we will share some time of games and fellowship.
Bring a favorite game and snack to share.
Christmas Eve and December 29 Special Services

Join us for a beautiful and joyous Worship!
December 24:
3:30pm: Family Service in the Great Room with our Praise Team
8pm:Traditional Service in the Sanctuary with our Choir
11pm: Pastor Jeff will preach at Fairview Chapel, 6802 Boyers Mill Road, New Market
December 29:
10am: Combined Service in the Great Room
A Christmas Cantata “Carols”
No Adult or Children's Sunday School